You May Just Be One Person, But Still, You Are One

Sometimes I don’t know what to write. I lose words. I lose my thoughts. I’m the type of girl who likes to give motivation and inspiration to people, but sometimes I feel like we’re losing humanity. In my high school psychology class there was a word that was given to people who expect the best in humanity. They live in an innocent world. In other words, they don’t think that people can be capable of being so mean, so cruel. I lived in that world once-until I saw the reality of life. 

The Reality of this World

The reality is that we live in a world where innocent people are killed, guilty people go roaming free and there is no justice. This is the world we live in. This world is full of chaos, destruction, and hatred. There are people who will treat you less than how you are supposed to be treated. 

There are people who will fight

But there are also people who will fight to make a difference in the world. Over the last couple of weeks, all 50 states and 18 countries have participated in protests. A lot of the media will only display the outbursts and the stealing. However, a lot of the protests are actually peaceful until the police show up. And yet, there are also some police officers who are walking alongside the protestors. 

Revolutionary Time

The fact of the matter is that we are living in a revolutionary time in history. What I do know is they will not be in vain. A few years from now, we will be reading these events in history books. Our job is to educate our family on the right side of what happened and what is happening because we are alive to witness it all. 

You Make a Difference

I still don’t understand how some people think of other people as being less than human. There are some people who just don’t treat other people with respect. What I do know is that you make a difference. You make a difference when you are out in the world and see an injustice and do something about it. Whether it’s signing petitions, donating, or protesting, your actions sometimes speak louder than words. 

… but still, you are One

It’s true. Sometimes, I don’t know what to write. I dream and pray for a better tomorrow. I long for the day we are able to talk and treat each other sincerely. Even if we don’t know what else to do, we should educate ourselves on the injustices going around. We have to first identify what is the problem. The next thing we should do is act upon it. You may just be one person, but still, you are one.