You matter

This is not like any other regular blog post that I normally do. This is not a blog about tips. I am not writing this to talk about my past experiences. I am writing this blog just as a friendly reminder to say-you matter.

You matter because there is only one you in the world. Out of Earth’s population, there is no other human that is comprised of your personality, looks, characteristics and embodiment-except you. You are special and valubale. You bring something to the world that only you are capable of bringing.

You matter because you are everything God said you are. The Bible says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” (Psalm 139:13-14). Despite not feeling valuable sometimes, we can rejoice to know that God knows why he created us. We just have to trust in him.

This isn’t a long post. However, I wanted to emphasize the pricesless value of an individual. Despite our flaws and hard days, there is a better future ahead. We may not understand the “why,” of our circumdtances, but God knows our past, present and future. It is only later in life that we are able tp comprehend and thank God for evyerhing. We grow strong in faith when we have nothing left, but to trust in God. Once again, this is just a post to let you be reminded that you are far more precious than rubies and fierce like a lion. Let the world see more of you each and every day.