War Room: 5 Steps To Upgrading Your Spiritual Life

It is time. It is time to upgrade your spiritual life. Often times, we fall into a specific routine that we do on a daily basis. We get up, pray, read the Bible, and then go about our day. Our time with God is not special anymore. Sometimes we don’t even open up our Bibles at all. We would rather spend hours on tik tok looking to see the latest trends so we can attempt to hopefully go viral lol. And somehow along the way, we leave our spiritual life stagnant. 

It is time to upgrade your spiritual life.

The Time to Fight is Now

We need to fight. Now, I’m not saying we need to fight with hands and fists, while pulling each other’s hairs. Haha. I mean, it is time to take our prayer life to the next level. Yes, praying is essentially talking to God. So, in other words, it’s pretty much talking to your very close friend. What if I told you that the Bible tells us the secret to talking to God the right way? Let me tell you, the Bible has it all. 

Talk to God the Right Way

The book of Matthew has so many topics on how we should live a Christain life. Thus, we can find the secret to talking to God the right way in this gospel. The Bible says, “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” (Matthew 6:6). The secret is simple-room.

Make Room for God

We need to make room in our life for God. We need to make an actual effort in our life to give God the time he deserves. A time where we sing, give thanks, study his word, pray, and tell others about all his love. If we don’t have the time or the room in our daily routine, it is time to do so. Now, when we recharge our spiritual time with God, it is time to make an actual room for God. 

Your hidden Room

Now, you might be thinking, how can I make another room for God? I only have my bedroom. Well, what if I told you, that you can make a room within your own bedroom? Better yet, what if I told you that you already have another room, and all you have to do is decorate it? We need to have a specific room (space) for God. And all it takes is a little dusting and decorating.

. . . how can I make another room for God?

My dear friend reading this. . .

My dear friend reading this, it is time to clear out your closet. It is time to sacrifice some of your space in order to let God in. If you haven’t already seen the movie “War Room” by the Kendrick Brothers, I highly suggest that you do. This movie essentially explains how the clearing of your closet to dedicate a space for God can renew your spiritual life, or even awaken it. Below, I will tell you what you need to do to transform your closet into a war room in 5 easy steps.

  1. Clear out your closet. The first step to upgrading your spiritual life is clearing out your closet. Remove everything and anything in that space of yours. Put your clothes in your dresser drawers, or even just get rid of some of it. Donate it. Whatever you do, remember that you are doing it to better your spiritual life. In the end, your closet should be empty. 
  2. Wipe it all down. The second step you need to do goes hand in hand with the first step. After you clean out your closet completely, you have to wipe it all down. Take a rag and wipe your closet. You need to make sure that the environment that you are creating is clean in the outside so that the minute that you start using it, you will feel refreshed and recharged in the inside.
  3. Decorate. So now, you thoroughly have taken everything out and have wiped it all down. It is time for the fun part-decoration. Decorate your war room however you like. Whether it’s installing a rug, pillows, or a little table, make your war room special.
  4. Hang promises. After cleaning, wiping, and decorating your room, it’s time to make it more personal-hang promises. Buy a journal, or notebook and write down promises from the Bible. I recommend labeling the top of a journal page with a specific topic and then finding Bible promises that talk about that specific theme. For example, you can write, “When I need motivation,” and then find verses about motivation. This way, whenever you feel a certain way, you have a way of looking at all the promises God has for you.
  5. Write letters to God. It’s important to know promises from the Bible, but it’s also important to tell God how you feel. Thus, I recommend buying a specific journal for writing letters to God. For each journal entry, write down the date, a blessing, and then write away. I recommend writing, “Dear God…” and then telling God how you feel. Be honest. Tell God your fears, struggles, joys, and worries. He cares.

Be honest.

War Room in Action

These 5 steps will change the course of your spiritual life from now on. Once you do these 5 steps, you are ready to actually start using your prayer room. God wants you to dedicate time for spiritual growth. So, I encourage you. Start today. Dedicate time to God and see how he can change your life. Once you have your war room, you are ready for any battle.