The time to change is now: My first blog post

Change is scary. Whether it’s moving to a new school, meeting new people, getting a job-change is inevitable. However, change can also be a good thing. We have often heard things like, “shoot for the stars,” “be the change you wish to see in the world,” “dream big,” etc. Now I don’t mean to be cheesy and all, but I truly do believe that the only way for us to grow and make a genuine difference in the world is by motivating others and shedding light in a world of darkness.

So, I am currently on my bed, writing this post at 9:44 am on a Sunday morning. It is not January. So no, starting a blog was not on my new year’s resolution list. Lol. Starting a blog is actually something that I have been wanting to do since high school. You might think, well, why start now Vanessa? My answer to that would be: the time to change is now. See, we often think that we should only start to make a difference in the world at the beginning of the year. I think otherwise. While I do think that making goals at the beginning of the year is important, I also believe that you don’t need a new year to decide when to start to being a change in the world.

Inspiring and motivating others is truly a passion of mine. A passion where my thoughts and words of encouragement could not be contained hidden any longer. I was hesitant to start my blog now, but there were little bits of encouragement that I saw to start at the time of a new school year. So, my hope is throughout my blog posts that I encourage people in any way possible. My goals are to make posts about lessons from the Bible, tips on school and daily life and tell of transforming experiences that I have had.

I want to start the first mini lesson from the Bible in Psalm 71. Although the author is not explicitly mentioned, the author makes note of a few points.

  • Since youth, putting his trust in God
  • Praises God yet more and more
  • Makes mention of God’s righteousness
  • Putting his enemies in the hands of God
  • Declares his wondrous works at an old age

The author of this Psalm makes some points that I think we can apply in our day and age. The author says, “For you are my hope, O Lord God; you are my trust from my youth” (Psalm 71:5). Throughout his life, the author hopes and trusts in the Lord that he would take care of his enemies and no matter the circumstances, he praises the Lord always and proclaims what the Lord has done in his life. Are you willing to trust God from your youth? Are you willing to praise God and trust that he will cause our giants to fall? It’s okay if we haven’t done so in the past-but the time to change is now.

No matter what your passion is, no matter who you are, no matter where you come from-the time to change is now. Be a light in this chaotic, dark world. Making a small change in the world every day beats being stagnant vessels containing hope within. I encourage you to find that passion of yours and radiate it unto others. Spread love. Spread truth. Spread life. God bless.

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