The Bible Isn’t All Joyful And Colorful Either

I wasn’t joyful to know that I would have delayed clinical rotations due to covid-19. During the end of our clinical year of our medical laboratory sciences degree, we go to clinical rotations-where we put everything we have learned to practice. I start my clinical rotations on Monday, September 21, 2020-a new journey.

Am I always happy? No. Did I have to have patience and joy throughout the waiting period for an email about when to start my delayed clinicals? Yes. You see life is not always going to be joyful.

The Bible isn’t all joyful and colorful either. Saul came after David and tried to kill him. Abel died at the hands of his brother. Esther stood up to the king even though it wasn’t allowed at the time and risked her life to save her people. Daniel sat next to lions because he preferred to pray to the one and only God. Job lost everything. The truth is, joy sometimes is absent from our life.

Despite maybe not having joy at times, God is always present. Even if our life has many twists and turns, God is always present. Right now, I am contemplating about a lot of things. How will clinicals be? What will be my life after I finish? These questions taunt me amist my mind full of pondering questions already. 

The thing about life is that we don’t know exactly how it will play out in the end. Often times life doesn’t even turn out how we thought they would.

The same God that created the heavens and the earth, created you. You are His precious children. God cares for you. Even when you face trials and tribulations, your faith is tested and your patience is on low battery, God is present.

As I grow older, I think about a lot things. Mostly, I am learning to put a smile on my face even when I don’t know tomorrow. Despite not knowing how my life will entirely play out, I try to have a song in my heart.

I still worry because I am not perfect. However, I often try to stop my mind when worry or anxiety come my way. It’s not always easy, but God pulls me through.

I didn’t want to make this blog long. I just wanted to reflect on how times flies. A little over a year ago I started my blog and I started my clinical year. Fast forward a year and about a month, and I am now ready to take on another journey-clinical rotations. Throughout my 21 years of life, I have learned to have joy amidst the chaos and beautiful days. My eighth grade teacher made us recite every day “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” I still believe that to be true.