The Beauty of Seasons

Seasons change. Around springtime, we see the literal changes of “April showers bring May flowers” come to life. When school’s out, we find ourselves enjoying the warm summer sun, trips to the beach, and even go for evning walks. Eventually, we have to go back to school and so comes the fall. We go to school with our new and handy bookbags, new shoes, and go to classes while we hear the crunchy sounds our shoes make when we hit the pavement full of leaves. At the end of the year, we finish off with beautiful snowflakes, chocolate mugs and movies with the family.

A spring into elementary days

Different aspects of life bring their own problems, but also wonderful times. I remember when I was in elementary school. My sisters and I would always go to the library. They would even say, “hello angel sisters.” We would smile back as we finished crossword puzzles, colored in the weekly pages, and checked out many books lol. However, I remember one time I had lost one of my library books. It was the worst feeling in the world. I searched everywhere, my room, my backpack, and closet, but nothing. The deadline to return it was coming to a close, but I still couldn’t find it. Eventually, my cousin had it and I was able to return it. Despite the rain and thunderstorms that come into my life, I could always see the flowers at the end.

Sunny middle school days

The transition between elementary to middle school brought many changes in itself. I met new people, had different teachers and even continued to play in the band. Middle school problems for me ranged. I had this mentality of what I was supposed to be. Was I good enough? What will people continue to think about me? Anyways, middle school taught me many things all of us face. However, eventhough sometimes I got heated with the things around me, I never stopped seeing the beauty of a refreshing day.

The colors of high school

High school differed from the movies. LOL. No, it was not three popular people roaming the school and everyone being afraid of them. However, you did start to see true colors. It was beautiful, but different at the same time. I remember going to school with my sister, cousin and my true friends. I liked how I could just be me with the people around me. Nerds and all, but I never had to change who I was. I only changed for the better. However, high school really had different problems on its own. However, I eventually found my true friends, the school I would go to, and my future aspirations. Just like leaves change colors, I saw the beauty of the leaves changing colors in my life.

The warmth of college days

College. College is nothing and everything i expected it to be. Suddenly, I had to make choices for myself. No one told me what to do and that was both a blessing and a scary thought in itself. I finally experienced the dorm life, college classes, and what it feels like for your friends to come by to your dorm room and just talk. Of course, college also brought problems just like other aspects of life, but I’m pressing on. I’m not perfect. I’m not saying I have it all together. I have doubts sometimes too. However, one thing has never changed in my life-God. Even though college and life in general bring cold moments, there is always warmth when you spend your days with the right people. 

Seasons change and closing remarks

Seasons change. During the year, we have spring, fall, summer, and winter. Each season brings change and beauty. Although spring brings thunderstorms, flowers come because of them. Although fall might be a bit windy, there is beauty in the colors of the leaves. Although summer is hot, there are also refreshing moments. Despite cold and winter days, you can always find warmth in your heart. Life is like that. Life has its seasons. Different aspects of your life bring problems and challenges. However, life is beautiful through it all. The Bible says, “For everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Never lose your purpose.