Thank God for bad days too

Life is like a heartbeat; we must experience ups and downs. Good days call for taking pictures. Bad days call for tough mornings. I opt to thank God for both.

I remember one day I sat in the lab, waiting for my class to start. Unmotivated, I watched as my professor started her devotion by drawing a heartbeat on the board. She talked about how in life, we experience both good days and bad days. I could see her genuine belief in what she was speaking. She said, “I don’t know why we experience the things we do, but I know I have my faith in God.” That day my professor helped me realize that we exercise our faith when trials and tribulations come into our lives.

We are bound to experience tough times, but we must remember that bad days are never permanent. On that gloomy day, upset, stress, anxiety, and worry drained me. However, for some reason, when we were praying, I had to hold back my tears, because God knew I needed that reminder at that specific time.

Over time I have asked myself, “what good is there in being a Christian and having just good days?” “Where is the exercise of faith and trust in God?” Miracles don’t happen without planting mustard seeds.

Paul writes, “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4: 6-7). God knows you. He knows what you need before you even ask him. So, I encourage you to thank God for everything and make your requests known to him. He longs to hear from you and is always waiting. Spread love. Spread truth. Spread life. God bless!