Storage Bin, Mental Health, and Inner Childhood Self

I have this specific bin stored in the top left bookshelf drawer that I got for $5 at target. This specific bin I named, “my self-care drawer.” In it, I have a pack of 24 Crayola crayons, 2 coloring books, face masks, nail polish, a sketchbook, and essential oils for my diffuser. I always carry an inner childhood self with me even as a 22-year-old. 

May Mental Health Awareness Month: A glimpse into 3 Aspects of Well Being

Mental health is something that I really truly only learned about a few years ago. We hear about mental health and self-care, but more just hearing about it, and not actually taking time for it for ourselves. May is mental health awareness month. Take this month to really ask yourself, “Am I truly taking care of my mental health?” A lot of the time we do so much for others, but fail to do things for ourselves. We need to take concern in all aspects of our mental health including physical, emotional, and spiritual welfare. 

Physical Health: Fuel Your Body

Taking care of our physical health can fuel our mental health and nourish it. Just walking, running, or doing any form of physical activity constitutes health food for the body. Prioritize your physical health. Make a playlist for your daily excercise routine at the time of how much you want your workout to be. For example, if you have a 20 minute workout routine, make a playlist of 5-6 songs that match around the time of 20 minutes. 

Emotional Health: Write Your Thoughts On Paper

My journals fill my thoughts and in them I write all types of emotions. Letting everything bottled inside of you is never good. Journals and my letters to God give me that sense of peace and comfort during times of despair and fear. I often like to look back and reread my journal entries and look at how far God has brought me. 

Spiritual Health: Talk To God

Taking care of your spiritual health is the most important part of your mental health. God gives you peace when your mind runs with waves of anxiety. It wasn’t until recently that I started talking to God more and more about EVERYTHING. Talk to God. He listens. Come to him with tears, joy, anger, pain, and everything in between. Allow yourself to have a deep and spiritual connection with him and truly open your heart to Jesus. Be like a kid. Run to the Father and never lose your inner childhood self.

Wrap up

May the month of May just be a reminder that there needs to be more mental health in our life on a daily basis. Whether it’s having a self-care bin in your bookshelf drawers or doing one nice thing for yourself on a regular basis, remind yourself that you need to care of yourself. Allow yourself to receive the love you give to everyone else.