Self Care: Inhale. Exhale. Everything will be okay.

It’s 8:17 am and I’m on my way to my first class of the day-Hematology. I contemplate life as I walk to my class with an egg and cheese sandwich on one hand and my pink water bottle in the other. I’m going through my day in my head as I walk to the science complex. Okay, V, you got this. First, it’s hematology, then banking, then micro. You like micro remember? More mnemonics to write on my “You can do it” blue notebook. As these thoughts come to mind and go over the day, I quickly go take my seat in the MLS (Medical laboratory science) room. 

Lectures go by quite fast and soon it’s time to eat. The lunch for the day is my go to food-pizza, salad, and rice. I go sit with my friends and we talk and laugh as usual. We talk about what’s new and update each other on what we did for the weekend. We’re surprised at how the semester went by fast. We ask each other what we’re going to do for christmas break and talk about our labs. After lunch it’s two back to back labs-hematology and immunology. I tell my friends I forgot my clinical atlas in my dorm and tell them I’ll see them in the lab. I go to my dorm, say hey to my roommate, and head back to the science complex for my back to back labs. 

This past semester, this was a typical day for me. Two to three lectures per day everyday from monday to friday and back to back labs every monday through wednsday. I thought about life a lot. I stopped blogging because I wanted to focus on school. But, in a way, I stopped blogging for awhile because I wanted to have self care. Self care is vital. Sometimes, you need to take a break from social media or any other aspect of your life and take care of your soul mentally, physically, and emotionally. We all need it. Whether you are worrying about the next 5 or 10 years of your life. It’s important to just do things that matter to you in the present. Below, I list a few self care tips that you can try.

Journal your thoughts. Journaling is something that I have been doing for about 10 years thanks to my primary sabbath school teacher. My Sabbath school teacher one day gave us each a notebook and we decorated it with different craft items. She told us to write down our thoughts and I have been doing that ever since. A journal is a good way to write down your feelings and your day to day activities. No matter if you are happy, sad, angry, or happy, you will be able to look back at how far you have come over the years. Make it a habit. Buy a journal and start today!

Talk to your friends. Have a bad day? Talk it out with your close friends and family. Have a good day? Talk it out with your friends and family. The simple fact of telling others how you feel out loud releases the stress of holding it all in. No matter what you are going through, it’s nice to know that others are listening to your story. 

Treat yourself. Buy yourself panera, get ice cream from the store, or get yourself that new winter beverage from starbucks. Sometimes, it’s nice to buy things for yourself because you need to feel good about yourself and invite vibrant energy in. Even if treating yourself means spending a night painting your nails or reading a book-self care is important. 

Pray. When we come to God in prayer, he comes to us with mercy. The truth of the matter is that God doesn’t want you to come to him when you are perfect. God wants you to come to him as you are. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to tell him how you are feeling, give thanks for all he has done, and make your requests known to him with the faith that all will happen according to his will. 

You matter. Maybe this blog was all over the place. Maybe you liked some tips of self care. Like I said before, I took a break from blogging, but I never plan to stop. It’s important to take a break here and there. It’s okay to not have it all together all the time. However, it’s never okay to be stagnant and stay where you are. Need a break from life sometimes? Delete some social media apps. Need a self care night? Take the night off. But, get back up. I hope you liked these self care tips. There is so much I want to say, but I’ll leave it at that. I have so much I want to do and so many goals I have in mind. All I have to say is stay tuned for more surprises and blogs coming 2020. Make your dreams count and go after what you want. Remember, take care of yourself because self care is important, but come back stronger than ever. I’ll see you all soon. Spread love. Spread truth. Spread life.