Quarantine Thoughts: Inside The Mind Of A College Student

Sometimes we have no words. Everything is chaotic and the world is silent. I spent spring break reflecting on a lot of things. And I mean a lot. It’s so sad how covid-19 impacted the world and the people in it. I knew it sure changed my perspective.

Spring break thoughts

Spring break is the time of the year where we spend a week relaxing and doing our own thing. Whether our own thing means going to study tours, mission trips, beaches, or just staying at home, spring break is supposed to be anything but boring. Nonetheless, spring break this year was far from that.  

How Covid-19 impacted my class and rotations

I am supposed to go to clinicals next week. However, half of my class isn’t even going. Some of the hospitals suspended rotations due to covid-19. Right now tho, I live in uncertainty. If I don’t end up going, what will the next four months look like? Contrary to that, if I do go, will I feel okay knowing that some of my other classmates won’t be doing the same? Life is an enigma and us humans riddle investogators.  

Defense mechanisms

It’s hard to keep it together no matter who you are, what you do, or where you go. So what do we do as humans? We cope. Or try to anyway. We do that by making funny videos, posting and tagging people on Instagram for different challenges. Why? It’s our defense mechanism in this world of chaos. See, we try to spread positivity into our lives by cracking jokes about quarantine, sending toilet paper memes, or sending each other tik tok videos even though deep down it hurts.

Deep thoughts

Some people aren’t going to prom. They will not be able to wear their beautiful long dress or handsome tuxedo. Some people are uncertain if they will even have graduation. After all those years of hard work and dedication, their diploma might have to just be sent in the mail. Some people will not be able to go to rotations- ruining their timeline of plans. But, let me tell you-you are not alone. You are never alone. 

Solace in Christ

We find solace in Christ. The Bible says, “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance” (Psalm 32:7). If you think no one understands you, Jesus knows exactly what you are going through. You see, we can find comfort in Jesus. Jesus, who had never fell into temptation, talked to people, healed the sick, and did everything right. Through the hardships, Jesus knew he was not alone even when he knew he had to die in the cross. Dear friends, even if earth fails, God never does.

Song suggestions for encouragement

I don’t know your circumstance, but I hope I can help you a little with these song suggestions. 

Unstoppable God-Sanctus Real

Nothing Else: Cody Carnes

My Worship: Phil Thompson

It is So: Elevation Worship

You Make me Brave: Amanda Cook

Closing thoughts

It’s hard to have it all together. Life has ways of bringing us down. But you know what? It’s okay. Let it out. Cry, shout, and express yourself. But, raise your head up high. Understand the consequences of life not being fair, but always remember whose you are. God will never let the righteous to be moved. He has you. You are his beloved. Always remember that.