Your phone alarm goes off. You hear the birds chirping outside. You hit snooze as you casually place your blanket over your head. It is another day. Time to brush your teeth, make breakfast, go do errands, drink water, and make lunch. The array and buzz of everyday life make you so immersed in completing errands and so you forgot to make your bed.
Let’s Be Real
Let’s be real. LIfe sucks lol. You have one thing on top of another. You have a bad day at work. You have a midlife crisis. You are reminded of your low self-esteem. A loved one dies. It is one thing right after another. It might seem that when you have a good day, it’s a good day. When you have a bad day, it seems like a bad week.
Mental Health Check
We need a mental health check. Right now, you plan how you want your day, but nothing goes as planned. Nothing. You make plans to work out. Fail. Reading that book on your bookshelf seems better said than done. You lose sight of who you want to be. So you take a break…for months. That is what I did with my blog. That is life. You feel weak.
But you know what? You are not alone. I know. Actions speak louder than words. Trust me, I’ve been there. I think we have this misconception that when we are tired, weak, lonely, or exhausted, we have failed ourselves. Let me be real right now. This past week alone has been completely hectic and chaotic for me. But I was driving home at night the other day. I was exhausted. I asked, “God why am I so weak?”
But…. God.
Now I’m not saying my life is perfect. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. But as I was talking and questioning God, he knew what I needed at that moment. The song that was next on my playlist was “Shoulders” by For King and Country. Let me tell you. If you haven’t yet checked this song out, go listen to it now. You will be encouraged by the beautiful message. Why? Because just like the song says, “God takes our weakness, our sickness, and brokenness in his shoulders,” he really does. I think that is beautiful.
You are not alone.
Relatable Oxymoron In The Bible
I was also reminded of a very powerful verse in the Bible. You see, I was questioning God, why am I so weak, when a verse immediately popped in my head. The Bible says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:10). When we are at our weakness, tough point in life, that is when Christ can shine in us. He sees and hears what we are going through. For when we are weak, then we are strong. It is not us who live anymore, but Christ who lives in us.
What an interesting oxymoron. But you know what? We all get weak and feel broken at times. God sees. It really is about Jesus. He makes all the difference.
“. . . For my strength is made perfect in weakness.”
We All Plan
We all plan. We plan for a brighter tomorrow. We have so many plans for what we are going to do when we wake up, what we are going to buy at the grocery store. We plan what we want to be in life. We have a set plan. But amidst our plans, we have brokenness and chaos.
Hang on to the words of God. There is nothing more assuring than knowing God takes care of his children. He puts the exact song, verse, or person in our life at the right time. So, live life. Yes, life has a way of making our plans fail. But start with the simple things.
Get up. Take a breath. Say a prayer. Make your bed. The simple act of making your bed each day, while so simple may be the act that gets you up each day. Even if you don’t complete everything or check off everything on your to-do list, rest assured that when you come home from work, your bed will be made.
Relate: A Human Connection
Rest assured that even though your plans fail, God never does. Rest assured that when we are weak, that is when we are most strong. It is no longer us living, but God living within us. Rest assured that we have this human connection in that we all feel broken at times. We all can relate.
I was blind. Both figuratively, and literally. I had a moment of brokenness… But God never failed me. He will never fail you. The next time you feel overwhelmed, tired, exhausted, broken, or weak… remember that you are most strong. So, immerse yourself in the little things of life. Life will not always be perfect, but there is a God who is. Equipe yourself with the serenity that when you are at your weakest, you are most strong. So soar. Sour like eagles. Roar like lions. Be gentle as a dove and fly. Fly into happiness in knowing that God will always catch you when you think you are about to fall and he will straighten your wings.