On a faith journey with God

God is always good. However, sometimes we don’t thank him for good and bad days. Today, I hope to share with you more advice on how to grow your faith. No, I am not perfect. Yes, I have bad days and have doubts sometimes.

Regardless of life’s ups and downs, I have learned just how much God can do when I thank him for the good days and bad. It’s tough thanking God for bad days because it seems counterintuitive. However, I have seen the miracles that God has done when I fully trust in him through it all. The Bible says, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast” (1 Peter 5:10). I know we have heard common Bible hero stories, but I think that the older we get, stories from the Bible can encourage us on those bad days when we need a boost in faith and hope.

Moses couldn’t talk, but he led the people out of Egypt and parted the red sea: The Bible says Moses complained to God that he couldn’t talk when God told him to take his people out of Egypt. However, God told him to use his brother Aaron as his spokesperson. The Lord provided.

David had no fighting skills, but defeated Goliath: David was the youngest of his brothers, with no experience for battle. However, when he heard that the Israelites needed help, he volunteered in the name of God to defeat the giant. In the end, he defeated the giant with only a slingshot. The Lord provided.

Joseph was sold by his brothers, but became governor: Joseph’s brothers became jealous of him because his father liked him better. As a result, Joseph’s brothers sold him and lied to their dad about the colorful tunic-implying that perhaps an animal killed him. However, God was always with Joseph and made him governor of Egypt. Later on, Joseph spoke kind words and forgave his brothers for what they did to him. The Lord provided.

We don’t know tomorrow. Even though we have problems, the Lord always provides. The Bible also says, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring” (Proverbs 27:1). I know it’s hard not to worry and I am a victim of worrying too lol. However, there are two reasons why I think we shouldn’t worry about tomorrow. First, we may worry about one thing, but the end might turn out completely different them what we had anticipated (in a good way). Second, by worrying, we deprive our souls of joy. We need to be more like Moses. Let’s see more Davids and Josephs in the world. I am talking to myself too when I say this, let us not worry for the battle is already won.