National Suicide Prevention Month: Your Feelings Are Valid

I went to the dentist today. Due to COVID, we have to call the office to notify them upon our arrival. I waited for about 20 minutes. They called me when they were ready and I went inside. The hygienist welcomed me back and proceeded with a cleaning. In the end, the dentist told me that I was fine and just needed a new filling because the old one came out.

There was a void inside of me and it needed to be filled. Sometimes, we feel empty inside too.

September is suicide prevention month and more specifically, this week is national suicide prevention week (Sep 6, 2020-Sep 12, 2020). The reality is we all go through things. Everyone is different. Not everything we put on social media is the whole puzzle. In fact, what we put on social media and what we choose to tell others is just one piece of our own jigsaw puzzle, but each jigsaw puzzle is a beautiful picture, and within every picture lies a story to be told.

Depression is real. Anxiety is real. Suicide is real. According to the world health organization (WHO), close to 800,000 people die every year as a result of suicide. I can’t speak for everyone. I don’t know your thoughts, but what I do know is that suicide is real, and telling someone that their feelings don’t matter would be robbing them of being human. Your feelings are valid.

. . . telling someone that their feelings don’t matter would be robbing them of being human.

As I get older I tend to think about a lot of things. Maybe it’s just another thing about growing up, but I often pause and reflect.

I’m not going to say that my life has always been about worry and problems. Nor am I going to say that my life has been all roses and daisies. I am human. What I can say though, is that as a Christian, there have been times where I stopped reading my Bible as well as days where I wouldn’t pray. I felt empty.

There are holes in parts of our life where we may feel empty and void. Maybe it’s the more you grow, the more you realize things. You realize that you can’t be hung up too much in the past of what you should or shouldn’t have done because you’ll never be satisfied. You can’t be too invested in tomorrow because you will never be happy. We have to learn to be happy and live in the present. 

As I said, there are times where you may be empty, depressed, worried, fearful, and/or scared. These thoughts can later in turn potentially lead to suicidal thoughts. I never believe nor will I ever think that asking for help is weak. In fact, I feel that people who ask for help are strong and courageous. 

People who ask for help are strong and courageous.

If you or anyone you know, has ever or are currently experiencing difficult times and want someone to talk to, my door is always open. If however, you want to talk to someone else, please call 1-800-273-8255. This is the suicide prevention hotline and it is open 24/7.

My dear friends reading this, your feelings are valid. You are worthy, beautiful, smart, and loved. If you were the only person here on earth, Jesus would have still died for you. Talk to a family member, talk to a friend, talk to God. God hears and listens. Always remember that out of 7 billion people here on earth, there is only one of you and I think your story is worth living to be shared.