Mid-Year Self Care Tips

It is July 8, 2020. I sit here in the dining room with my laptop on the table and a mind full of thoughts. I don’t think we’ll ever live in a time where we 100% agree with each other on things. For example, we will never agree on police brutality, political parties, and day to day ideologies. We live in a place where we don’t see our neighbors for who they truly are. A lot of the time, we don’t agree with each other and don’t even listen to what the other person has to say. 

Amidst a world of chaos, it’s easy to forget that we need to take care of our mental health too. Taking care of yourself is really important especially when a lot is happening in the world. Thus, I put together five self-care tips that we can include in our weekly routines.

Self Care Tip #1: Drink Water

Drinking water is highly important because you are made approximately 70% of water! Your body also requires water for maintaining homeostasis and having your organs work properly. I know  water can sometimes be unappealing especially when we would rather drink sugary drinks instead. Thus, an easy hack is to buy a new water bottle! I know when we get something new it’s so fun to use it right away. Hence, I highly recommend buying a water bottle to make drinking water more appealing. You can even buy infused water bottles so you can add your own fruit to give it some flavor!

Self Care Tip #2: Journal

Journaling encompasses a world of therapeutic essence. It’s really relaxing to journal because you get to choose to write down your thoughts. It is highly recommended by professionals and writing down all that you are grateful for fills your heart full of gratitude. So, buy a journal, or decorate a new notebook! Even write letters to yourself! You will be glad you did!

Self Care Tip #3: Pick up a new hobby

Quite often we stick to the same routine and never get out of our comfort zone. We are afraid to try new things perhaps for what people will say. However, I think it’s fun to try new things and even pick up new hobbies. For example, recently, my parents have continued their hobby of planting and gardening. Similarly, I’ve picked up the hobby of baking. Try a new hobby or get back to an old one, but try to add more adventure in your weekly routine. 

Self Care Tip #4: Set Goals

Set goals. A lot of times, we can become stagnant when it comes to making goals. I believe that you don’t have to wait until January to set goals. Make monthly, weekly, or daily goals. Whatever works for you. Try to become a better version of yourself each and every day, and motivate yourself with different goals!

Self Care Tip #5: Pray

Prayer has power. With so much going on in this world, it’s easy to become distraught and angry. One thing that keeps me going is prayer. I know I can talk to God through it all. God is always waiting for us to tell him what’s going on. He cares. Talk to God like you would a friend. He hears, He guides, He loves.

Be The Difference

Living in a world full of hatred, and evil, it is important to take care of our mental health. Just simply adding one self-care in our weekly routine helps us mentally. Despite what we face, taking care of ourselves is important. Learning to listen to one another is important. Spreading love and kindness in a world that desperately needs it, makes a difference.