Mental Health Your Way The Whole Year Of 2021 In 3 Easy Steps

You forgot to do laundry, you have no food in the fridge for breakfast, and you can’t find your shoe lol. Truth is, you are drained. These are just day to day encounters, but you need to first take care of yourself before you take care of anything else this year. Mental health was founded in 1949, but your mental state still applies in 2021. Do not wait until October 10 to spread mental health awareness.

Step 1: Buy A Planner

You might be someone who has always bought yourself a planner, or you might be one who doesn’t have the word “planner” in your vocabulary. Whatever the case might be, go buy a planner this week! You can pretty much buy a planner anywhere, but my favorite place ever to buy my planners is Marshalls. Marshalls has a lot of stationary items and planners is one of them! 

Step 2: Pick A Number Between 1-28

In order to really prioritize and actually make it possible to mental health your life, you need to set dates the whole year to dedicate a self-care day. After you bought yourself a planner, pick a date and be consistent. If you picked 16, then write in your calender, “Self Care” day the 16th of every month for the year 2021. In this way, you will have a special day at least once a month for yourself!

Step 3: Invest In Yourself: Be Consistent

In order to fully invest in yourself, you have to be determined. Be invested for YOU! Life is always going to have problems and you need to make notes and remind yourself to dedicate your self-care day for Yourself! This is a day dedicated to refresh, rewind, and get your grind again. Try a new hobby, do a face mask, read a book, go to a coffee shop, or even watch a movie! Whatever you do, make it all about You!

Make This Year About You

Make this year the year that you prioritize your mental health! Make it your mission to take care of yourself this year. It might be something small as treating yourself to a strawberry acai from Starbucks, but the point is that you make yourself happy. Be the type of girl that your 7-year-old self would be proud of.