Love never fails

The day my oldest sister left for college, my middle sister and I cried. We talked about childhood memories, going to the park, store, working at our parent’s restaurant and even playing school. I felt gratitude in my heart. I knew those years consisted of laughter, joy, gratitude, and love. Love drove our relationship throughout the years and it was love that made it so hard to say goodbye. Goodbyes are never easy. Goodbyes are one of the hardest things you have to do. However, even when the next months ensued, the three of us knew no distance could ever keep us apart. 

The next two years my middle sister and I went to high school together. From eating lunch to playing soccer, going to each other’s lockers, and driving to school together, I loved having my Hermana with me in school. We told each other practicalaly everything. Additionally, we wrote letters to our eldest sister and talked life updates. However, it wouldn’t be long until college saw her too.

Fast forward a couple of years, all three of us find ourselves in different states. None of us went to the same college haha. However, my sisters and I update each other on what’s going on and have a group chat. From goodmorning chat snaps (yes, we say chat snap and not snap chat lol), to memes, my sisters mean the world to me.

This week I learned so much. I learned to say I love you more to my family, to cherish the people in my life, and be endlessly grateful. I read a post a couple of days ago and it went something like this. You might have woken up late, failed your biggest test or even forgotten to do something important, but at the end of the day, you are alive. You are alive and loved. 

You are alive and loved

Love has no distance. You can never say “I love you” too many times. Appreciation is never left for granted. Kindness doesn’t have a price. Kindness is free to both give and receive. You never know how much a simple, “good morning,” opening a door for someone, or calling your family can be.

No matter what we go through in life, gratitude is always free. Let us also never forget the one who loved us first and died for us. Jesus paid the ultimate price because he loved us so much and died in the cross for you and me. The Bible also says, “See what love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are” (1 John 3:1). Our father in heaven loves you. You are loved. You are loved so much. There’s nothing better than following our Creator’s example of loving our neighbors. Love like there’s no tomorrow. Tomorrow isn’t promised. Be kind, your kind gesture can mean the world to someone. Love, because love never fails.