Life Update: The One Where We Were Still Quarantined

It’s been awhile. Last time I was here, I was talking about different topics in MLS as well as giving different devotionals. Well, here I am again. I mentioned how I was going to write about different topics for 1 month everyday. Yeah, that didn’t happen. Ever had bad days? Because honestly same. There were a couple of reasons why I stopped blogging. As you may or may not know, I am currently studying for my board certification exam to become a medical laboratory scientist. I realized that it would be easier to share my notes instead of posting blogs about the different topics. I will soon have those notes available. However, I also stopped because I felt mentally drained. 

I am no longer going to make impossible goals. Instead, I am going to make smaller goals and add increase my smaller goals as I go. Hence, I will now be blogging every Sunday and Friday. Yes, I have changed a lot of my goals since the beginning of the year. However, I recognize that no matter how many times I fall, I will get myself back up. I don’t know if these blogs will be useful to anyone, but I hope that I help people through the words I speak one way or another. Today I just wanted to talk about an update of what’s been going on these last couple of months.

Delayed Clinicals

At the end of our clinical year, MLS majors in my school go to clinical rotations at the end of the spring semester. Thus, for 16 weeks, we go to a hospital as a student and learn as well as practice hands-on in various departments. We go to clinicals at the beginning of April and last until the end of July. This year, the majority of my classmates and I had delayed clinicals. Now, I’m not sure when we will be able to go, but being patient during the wait.

Lost Devotionals

COVID-19 is not a foreign word in our vocabulary these days. For many people, it resulted in the loss of graduation, prom, jobs, etc. For me, I also lost touch with my devotionals and even reading my Bible. I felt so upset and annoyed, I even stopped talking to the only person who is always there for us. However, over the last couple of days, I started reading my Bible on a daily basis and I felt this unexplained joy. I know that God is the only one that gives us joy and despite our troubles and tribulations, he delivers us from them all.

Reminiscing Memories

Who knew that the end of March meant that I would have to say goodbye to my friends earlier than expected. Honestly, college has taught me so much and it was so different than I expected it to be but different in a good way. I know that even though we may be far away, I can always look back at videos and pictures of the memories that I made. They are truly amazing. I am grateful to have met incredible friends, go on a mission trip, attend a for king and country concert and even be included in one of their youtube vlogs hehe, be a part of a ministry, and love the major I chose since my first day of college.

Life Lessons

There are a couple of things that I learned as I started to continue my yearly Bible plan. First, the Israelites time and time again complained and even worshipped other gods. And it’s not as if they turned away a couple of times, they turned away from God a lot. Despite God protecting them in the desert and despite giving them food, they complained and worshiped idols. It’s really easy to judge other people and say, “how is it possible that they did that?” It’s really easy to say, “I know that would not have been me?” However, how many times have we in our modern-day taken our eyes off God? I’m also speaking to myself.

The truth is that we are not perfect. Howver, want to know a secret? God cares more about you repenting than he does of your past mistakes. He is waiting with open arms for you to come to him with all your heart. He is waiting with open arms for you to talk to him like you would a friend. Tell God all about your fears, joy, concern, and dreams. Let God shine his light inside of you. 

Anyways, this was just a bit of an update. As for me, I am doing daily assignments as well as studying for my board exam. I also am trying to find new things that bring me joy such as journaling, baking, and painting. I am trying to think “one day at a time,” and live life to the fullest. Yes, COVID-19 has canceled lots of plans, but what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Know that you are stronger than you think. Keep pushing. Choose to find beauty amidst the chaos that you live in.