Just A Dash of Kindness

Cooking is not rocket science. I mean, of course, there are people who do it way better than the rest of us and there are literal chefs out there who are critically acclaimed people. However, for the rest of us who don’t wear chef’s hats or don’t own their tv show, we still have to make food. One food my family and I always make is huevos a la Mexicana. 

Huevos a la Mexicana isn’t hard to make. It’s quite simple. I even make it when I am at home and am craving a Mexican breakfast. The other day I made huevos a la Mexicana. Of course, I was making food, but I was also looking at the latest snap chat stories and Instagram posts. I finished my dish and then cooked tortillas. After I prayed for my food, I took a bite of what I thought was a good morning’s breakfast.

I forgot the most important ingredient. When I finished taking a bite of my food, I spit it out. Salt was absent from the dish. Without salt, the food was tasteless. 

Salt is an important ingredient regardless of how small it may seem. Additionally, there doesn’t require a lot of salt to make a difference in the food we eat. But you know what else? God says, “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet” (Matthew 5:13). You are the flavor in a need to be seasoned world. 

You are a special ingredient. God says you are the salt of the earth. He didn’t say you are the salt for just the people in your vicinity. Who says, you can’t make a difference with the people you interact with on a daily basis? There are many ways you can spread light and salt. You don’t even have to bug people by telling them what they should or should not do. Actions speak louder than words and you can help people simply by being kind to others. 

Whatever you choose to do, do it with an intended heart. Spread love, spread truth, spread life. Share a verse on social media, help your neighbor with their groceries, tell your friends all the wonderful things God has done in your life. 

No matter if you have down days, just know that you make a difference. Remember, you don’t need much salt in order to have tasty food. In the same way, you don’t know how much of an impact you can make in another person’s life by your simple acts. You don’t know what impact your verse can make on another person. The Lord speaks in many ways and you can be that voice God is using to touch the lives of others.

Just the other day I was upset and the Lord spoke to me through two people through the same verse on two different media outlets. I know the Lord used those people to touch my heart. I also know that God can use you too. 

. . . the Lord spoke to me through two people through the same verse on two different media outlets.

In a world where you can choose to be anything, be the salt. You don’t know how much flavor you can add to other people’s lives with just a dash of kindness.