Jesus Rose Again, Why Not Do The Same: Fall Seven Times and Rise Again

I am not perfect. In fact, I’m far from it. I want to speak truth tonight and sincerity. On Sunday, I read a verse that really stuck with me pretty much the whole week and so tonight, I will talk about that verse. The scripture says, “In spite of this, you did not trust in the Lord your God, who went ahead of you on your journey, in fire by night and in a cloud by day, to search out places for you to camp and to show you the way you should go” (Deuteronomy 1: 32-33). Moses told the Israelites how they didn’t trust God despite all he did in their lives before. Often times, we too act like the Israelites.

Food from Heaven

God provided mana from heaven to eat and parted the red sea. In the desert, the Israelites were hungry. They were hungry and God gave them food to eat from heaven. It’s easy to read the scripture and judge the Israelites for complaining even when God gave them food from heaven. However, we often complain a lot too. I mean, sometimes we don’t like the food that we have. We want to go to fancy restaurants and even say we don’t have food when we have a fridge full of stuff. May I repeat again, we aren’t that different from the Israelites.

Water from a Rock

The Israelites were thirsty. They complained to Moses and God told him to hit a rock from the desert. The Lord gave water to his people. But, can I say, even now, 2020, we too can be “thirsty.” We’re “thirsty” for luxuries on earth. We are “thirsty” for a career, success, money, etc. Now, I’m not saying those things are wrong, but what I am saying is that we must not forget what’s truly important. May we not forget who brought us this far.

Fire by Night and Cloud by Day

God provided the Israelites fire by night and a cloud by day. The Israelites still complained. It’s 2020 and we still complain to God. You see, we aren’t that different from the Israelites. We get distant from God and we even complain when things don’t go the way we want them. We are humans. However, let me tell you something. God’s love is constant. 

Jesus Died for You

Jesus died on the cross for you and me. We may feel as if the world is falling apart right now. We get sad because things are “tough,” but Jesus had it tough too. Not only did one of his followers betray him, but another one denied him and he had to die a painful death. Jesus died in the cross for you and his love is constant. But you know why he was willing to do it? He didn’t want to miss seeing you in Heaven. You see, he wanted you and me to be saved.

Closing Remarks

Nobody’s perfect. God knows that. However, he doesn’t want you to keep living the same. He wants a deeper relationship with you and is waiting with open arms. He wants you to talk to him like you would a friend. It’s when we love Jesus that we won’t have to worry anymore. No matter what we go through, God is there. The Bible says, fall seven times, but rise again. Jesus rose again on the third day and because of his death and resurrection, we have hope for a better tomorrow. My dear friends, I know it’s hard, but know this world is temporary. I encourage you to have a better walk with Jesus and live for him because he lived and died for you.