Dreams are stars in the sky

 Every now and then I like to look at old photos, yearbooks, and other miscellanies items I have collected over the years in an old (almost falling apart) shoe box. Today in particular, I picked up a booklet I made full of vignettes called “Battle the unbeatable” when I was a sophomore in high school. I smile as I reread my own writings while my mind trolls with the memories in my hippocampus or something. High school taught me a lot. 

  A high school teacher was actually the one who gave me the idea to start a blog when I was a freshman in high school. I remember he said, “If you guys don’t know what you want for Christmas, start a blog and ask your parents for a domain name.” The thought of having a blog with my own website sparked joy inside. It could be my own little world where I could express how I feel. Of course, those were just thoughts at the time. 

Fast forward a couple years, I have now started my blog. I think I should reintroduce myself. Hey all! My name is Vanessa Angel and I am a medical laboratory science student. As I read over my previous blogs and go over my high school memories, I realize the reasons for why I started the blog in the first place. I have a passion to inspire people. Yes, I had the thought of starting a blog since I was a freshman in high school, but it took me years to actually start. So, why now? Well, I believe that you should always follow your dreams no matter what. So, the purpose of my blog is to take you on my MLS (medical laboratory science) journey, all while sharing my deepest beliefs with you-my faith. 

 My blogs will include anything related to medical laboratory science (information and day in the life) as well as different lessons from the Bible such as happiness, anxiety, friendship, etc. I’m just a 20 year old girl who wants to share her life and faith with others. This blog will start off with tips on how to start out the new year.

Put God first

Be a spiritual warrior. We all fall apart. I have done it. Sometimes we don’t feel spiritually strong. I have been there. However, it’s amazing to know that God ,the anchor in our life, stays the same since Genesis until now. Read devotions through the Bible app, read the Bible in a year, pray to God always, and talk to him as a friend. Even though we fall apart, God is there for us. Put God first, he is knocking on the doors of your heart and makes all things new.

Count your daily blessings

The Bible says. “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Giving thanks is hard sometimes especially if you are going through rough times. The Bible doesn’t promise that life will always bring you joy. However, the Bible does say be grateful always. Through it all, God’s love remains constant. So, I encourage you to count your daily blessings. Buy a jar or write down daily blessings in a journal. See how far God has brought you through it. 

Have a planner

Life can be chaotic and messy. I recommend buying or keeping up with a planner. Write down important dates and information. Writing down things will get you into the habit of actually accomplishing what you plan to do.

Have time for yourself

You are important. Make sure that you find time to rest during your busy week. Your body needs time to unwire and regenerate. Spend a night out to yourself. Read a book, wath a movie or show, go out to eat, order in-you deserve it. 

Have time for others

People matter too. Remember to be grateful for the people in your life. God put them in your life for a reason. Laugh it out. Call your loved ones, go out to eat with your friends and make memories that last a lifetime. The heart stores the moments in life that are never to be forgotten in her secret safe. Later in your life, you will be able to recollect making a secret language with your sisters, family vacations, going to the beach, having holiday parties and even reserving a study room with your friends on the week of finals lol. Count your blessings with the people around you. 

I pray for joy, growth, and gratitude this next year and decade of life for all of us. God knows who you are and plans to do wonders for you. Commit your plans and dreams to the Lord and he will do his will in your life. Fifteen year old Vanessa wrote in one of her vignettes, “dreams are stars in the sky that rise and never fall, and shine even though it seems dark.” Today, twenty year old Vanessa still holds those words to be true.