Contemplating Life As A 21-year-old: What Friday’s Small Group and Saturday’s Worship Retreat Taught Me

A lot has happened in this world over the last few years. Everything from school killing, hurricanes, protests, wars in countries, and even pandemics have given the media news to talk about. Turning on the tv, listening to the radio, or even reading articles on the internet these days can be scary. This world is going from bad to worse. 

On friday nights, I attend a small group. We sing songs, go around a circle and ask how our week went, and have a devotional. Did I mention we also eat? Lol. So, yesterday was nothing out of the ordinary. It was a couple of us in a small group and so some of my friends even started off by saying, “welcome to small small group,” and another one even said, “say hi to micro small group.” Tehe. Well, anyways, we started off a small group with people talking about how their week went, including highs and lows. 

I learned a lot. What’s more fascinating is that we all go through different things and we may not even know it. One of my friends talked about how someone opened his eyes and pretty much said, “enjoy today, because tomorrow isn’t promised,” We have to give thanks today. We have to tell people we love them today. We have to spread joy to those around us today because we never know what tomorrow brings. Nobody has their life promised and my friend just gave me another reminder that we should appreciate life and spread joy to those around us because why wait until it’s too late?

Today is saturday, March 7. It’s actually 10:49 pm. I am writing and contemplating on my twin size bed with food next to me. Today was amazing. I went to a worship retreat and poured my heart out to God. The theme was about communion. In this retreat, we talked about the many aspects of worship. For example, worship can be in the form of a poem, a song, painting, or even just enjoying nature. Worship is encountering God no matter the avenue because after all, there are different avenues to get to the same destination. Even when we get lost in life, there are always signs we can follow and the gps will always get us back on track. 

Today, I also turned 21 and today, I contemplated a lot. From yesterday’s small group to today’s worship retreat, so many things came to my mind. Life is a journey. If I learned anything from the now 21 years of life God has given me, it’s that life is too short. Life is short to waste it on things that don’t matter. What’s the point of holding a grudge on something that’s so miniscule compared to the grand scheme of things? 

As a 21 year old, there are a lot of things on my mind. Where will I be in five years from now? Ten years? Where will I work after I graduate? However, as I contemplate on things, I also contemplate on the things I have learned.

Forgive, just like Christ forgave us

People hurt us. That’s a fact. However, even though we get hurt, we also have to understand that sometimes we also hurt other people as well. This is life. Despite how hard we try, anger, hurt, jealousy, and even envy enter our paths. Whether we like it or not. One thing we have to do however, is forgive. The Bible says, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Colossians 3:13). Following God’s example is following God’s own heart.  

Pray more, worry less

Tomorrow isn’t promised. As human beings, we worry. We have this mentality of always worrying about different aspects of our life. Whether it’s school, work, finances, or the future, we all have problems in our life. However, worry just robs us of the joy of today. The Bible says, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Matthew 6:34). Worry just makes us anxious. Sometimes we worry and the thing that we worried about turned nothing like how we thought it would. Why worry when the God who made the universe says, “that child is my child. I got you.”

Be grateful

In everything be grateful. When you can’t see the solution to your problem, thank God. When you have one of the best days ever, thank God. When you are in the spirit of worship, thank God. When you can’t see tomorrow, thank God. I know, it sounds counterintuitive. I know that it’s hard to see the light when you’ve had days full of darkness. However, I have also experienced the constant and unconditional love the Father gives to his children. When we praise God through the good and bad days, he sees us through it all. 

Plant mustard seeds

Mustard seeds are small. Mustard seeds are one of the smallest seeds known to man lol. But you know what? God can use your mustard seeds and turn them into beautiful living testimonies. God only asks that we have faith as a mustard seed. For if we have faith as a mustard seed, we can move mountains and sea miracles with our own eyes. Faith is real. Let’s get our soil, light, and shovel ready to plant our very own tiny, but powerful mustard seeds. 

Closing remarks

Today, I turned 21 and I thank God for all that I have experienced, both good and bad. One thing I learned over the weekend is that we are all going through different struggles and challenges. We should be grateful for every day and love beyond measure. I learned to tell my loved ones I love them. I also learned the beauty of worship. Despite life’s twists and turns, God hears. Whether you want to worship God through painting, praise or even a walk in nature. Call to God because God is always near. He hears the silent whispers of your sincere heart.