Choose joy

On December 9, 2018 I attended  my first for king and country concert. I could not believe that I was going to actually see them in person after reading the “processing payment” on my computer screen after I selected VIP Q & A tickets. I started counting down the days.

On the morning of the concert, my friend and I were ready. She said, “cute scarf V, you ready to go?” I said, “Yes.” The concert wasn’t until 4:00 pm, so we had some time since it was only like 7:00am. The concert was an hour away and we listened to their album, “burn the ships” along the way. First, when we got to grand rapids, we ate breakfast. Skillets for the both of us. It was great. Next, we went to a museum because there was still some time left. Third, we went to the mall because we had about an hour left before the concert. Finally, we pulled in the parking lot and even got to see their tour bus and snap cute quick pics. 

The line was long, but after about five minutes of waiting, there was an even bigger line behind us. It finally became our turn to show the staff our tickets because they were only letting VIP people in. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive an email about confirmation that we were VIP, so I just showed the lady my ticketmaster ticket as well as a picture that I took on my phone confirming that I had VIP tickets after I bought them online. Thank goodness I took a picture because that picture allowed my friend and I to be admitted into the arena. 

I could not believe my eyes when For king and country finally walked on that stage, sat down and said, “good day mate.” They proceeded to ask us if we had any questions and people were able to raise their hands and ask questions. They truly know what it means to take the time for their friends and give support. After about 30 minutes of the Q and A, we all got to our seats and waited until the show started. 

The show was spectacular. The band was amazing. I remember singing along with everyone as the songs went by. The ending was really cool because they sung “joy” and also threw the crowd confetti. It was an amazing experience and the only day in my life that I could say, “Best day ever,” and it was one of those days where you couldn’t believe it was real. But you know what? I love for king and country because of their humble spirits and their genuine and sincere lyrics of hope and value. Below, I have some of my favorite quotes from their songs.

“You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on your shoulders”

“Shoulders,” was the first song that I remember hearing from for king and country. This song talks about the love Jesus has for his children and how our strength comes from him. Whenever we are weary, drained, tired, anxious, or weak, God has us. The Bible says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

“Irreplaceable, unmistakable, incomparable, Darling it’s beautiful I see it all in you Oh, so priceless”

Sometimes we don’t see our worth. We always compare ourselves to other people and social media. We don’t value who we are. However, what if we lived in a world where we knew that God made us since before we were born and made us beautiful? God sees our value. Darling, you are priceless. 

“No turning back”

This song talks about not turning back. A beggar begins the songs by saying how he got an invitation by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He no longer needs to stay the same, because the king invited him to live within his gates. We need to accept the invitation no matter what. God always invites us to answer the door of our hearts. He wants us to leave all of our regrets and mistakes in the past and fully trust him. It’s time to accept Jesus into our hearts and have a good relationship with him. The scripture says, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those that love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). It’s time to leave the past, embrace God and get ready for that actual day when he returns with glory and majesty. 

“And I choose joy”

It’s hard to always be happy when you know that chaos surrounds our planet. It’s difficult to put a smile on your face when there are catastrophes. This world is going from bad to worse. So much has happened over the last recent years that show signs that Jesus is coming soon. However, this song is so beautiful in that it talks about being joyful through it all. Being joyful and having faith that we don’t know why things happen but we do know that God has a plan. Even though there is evil, we need not to worry because God will always be there for us. We don’t know when our last breath will be, but we do know that God will never leave his children. We have to have joy through our tribulations knowing that God has us. 

God needs people like you and me to give him our burdens and have faith. God needs children like you and me to know that we are made in his image. The great “I am” needs you and me to know We need to believe that you are beautiful and he is always waiting for you to turn to him. Choose joy. In anything and everything that you go through, choose to be happy and be a light in someone else’s journey. Make an impact. You are a daughter and son of the one true king. Always know that you are valibale and cherished by God. So whenever you have self defeating thoughts, straighten your crown and remember whose you are.