A Study Method Transformation: Study tips you need to know

Studying-one word that reluctantly finds itself in any college student’s daily agenda. School is right around the corner, and what better way to start off tips than giving advice on how to study effectively, yet, at the same time, have fun doing it. One thing I have to say is that every college student has his or her own unique way to study that helps them. Find out what works best for you! Below, I have five tips to better help you study for any quizz or test in an interacting way.

  • Use mnemonics to remember your material: I would advise using mnemonics when you are taking your notes. Mnemonics are a great way to remember your material because you are learning the material in a way that suits you in the form of a phrase, story, pictures, sentences, etc. For example, a popular mnemonic is: please excuse my dear aunt sally to learn the order of operations. However, a mnemonic doesn’t have to be a phrase. You can draw pictures when you’re taking notes and even come up with a whole storyline! The possibilities are endless when it comes to using mnemonics as a studying aid.
  • Make a study guide for each exam: Study guides are important and very useful because they engage with the material you are learning. I would advise you to fill out your study guide as you are first reading the material if your professor offers one. Does your professor not give you one? No problem. Create your own! Use the unit objectives to create your study guide and adding anything as you see fit. Whether you make a handwritten study guide or a google docs study guide, visuals also are an excellent addition.
  • Answer back of the book questions: Reading, taking notes and making study guides are important. However, testing your knowledge is also imperative when preparing for an exam. You need to know what material you know and what material you still need to practice. So, answer back of the book questions and test your knowledge. Make sure that you try your best to answer the questions and then check your answers once you are done to see what material you know and what material you can still work on.
  • Utilize quizlet: Quizlet is another helpful tool you can use to test your knowledge. Simply use quizlet after you are done reading your notes. Try to type your textbook’s author and chapter title. If you don’t see your exact author, you can still go over similar material that is based on what you are going through. Quizlet is fun and interactive because it includes flashcards, games, and quizzes.
  • Repetition: After a week or two, you will have a better understanding of what helps you. One thing I can’t stress enough is repetition. Keep going over your notes, quizzes, lectures, and reading if time allows before the test. Allow adequate time for your brain to comprehend and familiarize itself with the material. Make sure that you understand the material and ask questions if you don’t understand something. After some time, all you are doing is reviewing and reviewing. You will remember more than you think you know. The more you repeat something, the more your brain will remember.

Everybody learns differently. Try and experiment with what works best for you. Repeat what works best for you and encourage one another as you are doing it. Make sure you take notes, ask questions during lectures, make study guides and test your knowledge. After you have a flow of studying-be consistent. Make a studying schedule for each of your class and stick to it. Your ways of studying will become a habit after some time. I hope this helped you and don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions. And remember-Spread love, Spread truth, Spread life. God bless!